OATG Workshops and Presentations
Presentations from our Professional Development Days (Fortbilundungstage)
- Let's Solve This Problem! Shifting our International Languages Classes from Communicative to Action-Oriented (Jimmy Steele, OATG President)
- Wortschatzarbeit – Elemente der Behaltenssteigerung (Elke Rühl, ZfA Kanada-Ost)
- Projektbasiertes Lernen – Einleitung: PDL im DaF Unterricht (Nicole Nascimento, DSS Richmond Hill/St. Andrew’s College)
- Global Education: Erziehung zum Weltbürger (Ruth Renters, Appleby College)
- DAAD: Informationen für Teilnehmer der OATG Tagung (Dr. Alexandra Gastner, DAAD Toronto)
Theme - Revised Secondary Curriculum:
- Updated Curriculum, New Connections: Overview of the Revised (2016) International Languages Curriculum (Jimmy Steele, OATG President)
Theme - Financial Literacy:
- Strategies and Activities to Assist DaF/DaZ-Learners and Educators (English) (Jimmy Steele, OATG President)
- Finanzkenntnisse: Strategien und Aktivitäten für DaF/DaZ Lerner und Lehrkräfte (Jimmy Steele, OATG President)

Canadian Association of Teachers of German (CATG), OATG, and related newsletters:
- IDV-Magazin - June 2019: Bericht der Canadian Association of Teachers of German
- IDV-Magazin - June 2019: Deutsch lernen an Deutschen Sprachschulen in Nordamerika
- CATG - November 2017
- CATG - September 2017
- OATG Rundbrief - Fall 2014
- OATG Rundbrief - Fall 2013
We now communicate messages to our members by email instead of via an annual newsletter. Please click on the Contact button at the top of the page to join our mailing list.

Resources for Educators
Goethe-Institut Toronto: Teaching German Learn German Online for Free
Goethe-Institut New York: New Concepts and Materials
Goethe-Institut New York: A Glimpse of German(y)
Goethe-Institut Toronto, New York, Mexico City: Queer as German Folk
Goethe-Institut: Magazin Sprache
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG): A collection of resources for online teaching and learning (Spring 2020)
- Resources from the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages
- Resources from The Edublogger for Teaching Online Due to School Closures
- Teacher Tools from Chris Chiang
- Online Resources for German from Amanda Sheffer
- Bringing Your Course Online - Resources compiled by the MLA
- Deutsch üben - Goethe-Institut
- PASCH-Net - Resources from „Schulen: Partner der Zukunft“
- Stories to Read and Hear from Storybooks Minnesota
- AATG-Listserv Fans Facebook site
- Teaching Resources on AATG website